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NHS Quarter Two Awards Announced

Giavanna Tabbachino’17 was honored with the NHS award for Leadership. Giavanna is a leader in everything she does. Whether it is through her hard work on the track team, her involvement in STUCO, or simply in a classroom environment, Giavanna constantly shows her natural ability to lead. Giavanna is always willing to take initiative and handle situations with confidence and grace. Her strong-willed personality motivates all other students to work hard and be independent. Giavanna’s incredible ability to inspire others is another trait that makes her a great leader. She will be attending Lehigh University in the fall.

Jessica Pagano’17 has been given the Quarter Two NHS award for Character. Jessica always has a smile on her face. No matter how stressed everyone is at school, Jess constantly maintains a positive attitude and always has a friendly face. Jess is kind and selfless in her actions toward others and she is there for her friends and classmates no matter what. Her actions and positivity are what make her the perfect choice for the NHS award for character.

Jillian Morgan’17 was honored with the NHS award for Service. Jill has been a four-year member of the IHA Ski Team and volunteered as a full-time manager for the IHA Varsity Soccer Team this year. While managing a handful of extracurricular activities, including running the Yoga Club, Jill participates in Girl Scouts and is on her way to achieving her Gold Award. While maintaining a job, Jill dedicates a great deal of her time volunteering and giving back to the IHA community and outside of school. Jill will be attending the George Washington University next fall.

Reagan Stroka’17 has been honored with the Quarter Two NHS award for Scholarship. Reagan is an active student at IHA and can always be found helping others. Despite her rigorous courses, Reagan is also a member of the IHA Cross Country Team and is an avid runner. Reagan uses her gift of scholarship to contribute to and positively influence the IHA community, whether it is through National Honor Society tutoring or helping a classmate before an AP Calculus or AP Computer Science test. Reagan demonstrates true scholarship through everything she does at IHA.