Immaculate Heart Academy’s Handbag Happy Hour proved to be an enjoyable and fun way to close out our events for the 2021-22 school year! Congratulations to all of the winners throughout the evening, especially Dawn Costanza, aunt of Olivia Pantano’25, who won the Louis Vuitton raffle, and Christine Hayes P’23, ’25, who won the 50/50. Special thanks to Mrs. Beth DiCiancia Garrigan’76 P’06, director of alumnae engagement and special events, and the IHA Development Department staff; the Pisani Family P’23 for the cookie donation; and Grace King P’16, ’19, ’22 and Stacey DeMicco P’21, ’24, ’25 and the many other parent and faculty volunteers who donated gifts, wrapped and decorated baskets, and worked on the many details of this event. Photos courtesy of Mike Hamlett Photography and Tara Hopfenspirger.