Immaculate Heart Academy

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NHS Q2 Awards Announced

For the second quarter of the 2021-22 academic year, congratulations are extended to:

Meghan Karach’22: Meghan consistently possesses the characteristics of a true woman of valor. She is intelligent, funny, kind, considerate, and selfless. As a classmate and a friend, she puts others’ needs before her own and does her best to help her peers in their studies. Meghan is a true embodiment of sisterhood within our community and continuously contributes to it positively.

Francesca D’Amico’22: Francesca is a strong, compassionate, and heartfelt woman who possesses many qualities attributed to someone of honorable character. She is a member of the Christian Service Board, Traffic Safety Squad, STUCO, Law Society, the bowling team, and is a Eucharistic Minister. Francesca makes a positive contribution to IHA and embodies that of an IHA woman of valor. She hopes the best for others and always supports her classmates in their endeavors.

Aniela Sanders'22: Aniela goes above and beyond with her contributions to her community. She serves others not only with her commitment to Praise, but also by leading Eucharistic Adoration at Don Bosco Prep and through other various service projects outside of school. Wherever Aniela goes, she truly portrays the characteristics of service that each woman of valor possesses.

Sanaiya Villanueva'22: As a member of the STEM program, Sanaiya has flourished not only academically but as a woman of valor. Sanaiya contributes to class discussion and supports her peers through tutoring. Her scholarship is portrayed in her recognition as a National Merit Commended Student as well as a member of the M3 Challenge team this spring. Not only is Sanaiya an outstanding student, she's also a supportive classmate and friend to many.

Gabriella Fava'22: Leadership is the ability to guide members in a community by motivating and inspiring them to be the best that they can be, and Gabriella does just that. Gabby exemplifies leadership in every club and society of which she is a part, including the Science National Honor Society, Model UN, Peer Mentors, Eagle Ambassadors, STUCO, and the Rho Kappa Social Studies National Honor Society. As the senior class president, Gabby works tirelessly behind the scenes to guide the Class of 2022 through their final year at IHA.

Pictured, from left to right, are Meghan Karach’22, Francesca D’Amico’22, Aniela Sanders'22, Sanaiya Villanueva'22, and Gabriella Fava'22.