On the evening of October 7, 2021, twenty sophomores were inducted into IHA’s St. Brigid Society. The St. Brigid Society exists to recognize and promote academically gifted students and to foster continuous academic excellence by providing engaging opportunities for learning and growth. Students are invited to participate in enrichment programs designed to prepare them for college and career readiness. The ceremony began with an Opening Prayer led by Kieran Farley’22 and a welcome and description of the St. Brigid Society by the society’s moderator and guidance counselor, Ms. Ellen Donoghue’76. Society members, Ella Bosse’24 and Caitlin Fritz’23, gave inspirational student reflections and Miss Kerry Carroll’04, principal, offered congratulatory closing remarks after each student was officially recognized by Mrs. Alice Rogers, assistant principal for students. Photos courtesy of Mike Hamlett Photography.